Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Picture Day Drama!!!

So this morning is picture day at school. BB has her stuff together and ready to get up early and spend extra time on her hair; instead of putting it in a ponytail, right. AB, however is not.

This story begins last night when we decided to pick out clothes for picture day. AB first picks an outfit that as I am ironing realized that its dirty and he has chosen not to put it in the dirty clothes. We then find another outfit for him to wear. Then we search for his shoes last night, which at bedtime, he tells us he has found and are laid out with the other outfit I ironed. Still with me?????

We wake this morning with plenty of extra time to get ready and of course AB has a meltdown. He tells us that he can't find his shoes, the shoes that were supposed to have been found last night before he went to bed, might I add. Mike goes into the room and helps him search for his shoes. We find them under a stack of dirty clothes that he has stashed under his bed last night so he would not have to walk to the bathroom and put them in the laundry basket. (I am a neat freak and do check for dirty clothes, however he finds new places to stick them daily.)

Next I hear Mike in the living room with AB sitting on the couch with a big fat pouty mouth. Mike is telling him how important "responsibility" is in life and how he should not be a "FLOATER." At this point I can't decide when to shut Mike up. I am cracking up and want to stop him because AB is lost, but I want to hear what he has to say. Poor AB is in complete disbelief and is clearly lost, wondering what the heck a "floater" is. We deal with this and get teeth brushed and I am thinking that its all going to be okay.

Now its time to feed and water the dog. Instead of slipping on an old pair of flip flops or crocs to do this, might I add that he does every morning, he decides to wear his shoes for school out in the yard. He steps in a big ol' pile of dog crap!!!!! Granted, we pick up the crap from our dog, but our sorry neighbors allow their dogs to use our yard as well. AB made the decision to leave his shoes on the deck, smart decision at this time in the game, right? I tell him to put the shoes back on and get in the grass and rub the crap off in the grass. At this point, I am in the bathroom fixing BB's hair, still not mad, but getting there. I hear the outside spicket turn on and off, twice. I decide to see what he is doing. Ready for this??? He is scrapping it (dog poop) off with water and his HAND!!!! I scream bloody murder, wake up the whole neighborhood and really want to give him a responsibility talk now! We decide on another pair of shoes, sterilize his hands and decided to move on with the day.

On the way to school I hear AB huffing and puffing in the backseat. He is mad because his lunch box will not fit in his backpack. I encourage him nicely to carry them each seperately. He explains that he can't handle the "responsiblity" because he is known to forget one or the other in the cafeteria or gym. I then to proceed to finish the conversation on "responsibility" that Mike had started earlier, only to see the blank look of confusion and disbelief that we were talking about his topic again. (What again is a floater???)

To finish this day, I just received a phone call from Mike where he reports that he has been phoned by his mother over the uncontrollable actions that AB is exhibitng today. What will I do with him??? Is there a full moon tonight?????
Stay tuned tomorrow to see what occurs when I get home.............

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