Thursday, September 11, 2008

BB's gets Baptized

Well since I didn't post much over the summer, I am trying to get caught up with my home life and the online world.
BB accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior on June 26, 2008. This was a joyous day for our us because I know now that one day she will be with Mike and I in heaven, yay!!

In the past Bethany has wanted to go to the bible school at Bethlehem Church down the road from where we live. This was the church I attended as a kid. We were always so busy and never could let her visit bible school on the weeks that they had it. This year we found a way or might I say that GOD had a plan and made a way. God is so good!!!!
I got to the church to pick the kids up, the pastor is talking with the kids and what it means to be saved and accepting Jesus as their Saviour. So I get in the car and I tell that BB has something on her mind. I ask her what wrong, she says nothing. I wait and ask her again. This time she looks at me with puppy dogs eyes and crocodile tears falling. She says, "mommy I need to be saved". I say okay we can do this. When we got home Mike and I sat down and went through the sinner's prayer which BB prayed and asked the Lord to live in her heart. We had tears a flying that night.
Then on July 13, BB was baptized. My dad, her grandfather is an ordained man of God and he got the honor to baptize her. It was one of the most emotional experiences of my life. We are so proud of her and most importantly thankful in her decision. I now just pray that AB will be convicted when the time is right to make this very important decision in his life as well.

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