Monday, September 29, 2008

EKU Women's Youth Soccer Day

On Friday night at the EKU women's soccer game, they recognized the kids that attended the camp this summer.

During the half time show B & A played a game called "Survivor Goalie". They had five kids rotate in the goal as a goalie and the other kids took shots on them. The goalie who remained in the was the Survivor. Wouldn't you guess, my A won. He was the youngest goalie and saved the balls from kids up to the age of 12. He stayed out there the entire time of halftime, until the girls actually were back on the field ready to play. No one could cause him to miss a ball. I guess he takes this after his daddy who was a keeper in high school.

After the game that evening, they had an autograph session for the kids and a 30 minutes skills training. Here is a pic of B doing hitting the ball with her head. Nice job B!!! My little Mia Hamm in the making.

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