Monday, September 29, 2008

Chicken Festival

We attended the Chicken Festival in London, Kentucky this past weekend. First off it was an experience! I actually love fried chicken, but when I saw the "Worlds Largest Skillet" frying the chicken I became ill and could not stand the thought of eating it.

B in the car with two friends

World's Largest Frying Skillet

Piece o' chicken

Wouldn't you know it, they had to bring one of Jr's cars to the festival. We walked up as it was being pulled out of the trailer. A just 'bout had heart failure. The guy was trying to back it out and pull it out so people could take pictures, but A walked right up to it to touch and would have climbed in if it was not moving. The guy was really cool about it and A was in "Nascar" heaven. BTW, Dale Jr. is our favorite driver!!

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