Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Myrtle Beach – Bike Week 2009

This May to celebrate my great accomplishment of graduating we decided that instead of doing the traditional trip to Daytona for bike week that we would visit Myrtle Beach and experience their bike week. We left out of here after our church service on Mother’s day and hit the road runnin’ to the sunshine, the beach, some riding on the Harley, and most importantly much needed and deserved alone time for relaxation. The time that Mike and I spend together is always so wonderful and I cherish every moment that we have together. This week we really didn’t do much but sleep late, lay on the beach, Mike enjoyed a game of golf while I laid on the beach and caught up on my fiction reading, and then in the evening we rode the Harley all around town and enjoyed wonderful seafood. If you ever want good seafood visit some of the restaurants down at Murrells Inlet, you will leave stuffed and you won’t be disappointed!

The beautiful ocean, which is one of my favorite places to be

Mike & I taking a break during one of night rides

Bikes, bikes and more bikes!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I Did It, Graduated That Is!

My wonderful supportive family!

I want to share with the world that I finally did it.........I graduated from EKU! Woohoo!!! I have been in out of college literally for ten years, but this last time I enrolled I wanted it so bad that I stuck with it and I did it. I will say that this was the hardest thing in my life to complete, because it was so time consuming and hard to do with a family and full-time job, but it was so worth it. I have often wondered why my life turned out the way it did and why college was not a priority to me in my younger days, I now feel that God wanted me to see that I was stronger than I could ever imagine and to teach me that I had to learn to depend and trust in him. I am not for sure what God has in store for me in the years to come in my decision regarding grad school, but I know it will be great and that I can accomplish anything that is laid in front me because of my determination, supportive family and my faith. I am so blessed that I was given the opportunity to go to college and I will never take that for granted.

My Granny Choo Choo (dad's mom) and me!

My supportive & loving parents!

BB during the commencement, I loved this shot of her!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ask and you shall receive

I surround myself with believers everywhere I can, but at work that is such a difficult thing to do because I work in academia. Here I feel that believers are the minority and the non-believing liberals are the majority; because of this I must pray for strength and guidance every single day of life. So, with that said, my prayer yesterday morning was to have God reveal himself to me at work. Now, in my free time at work I read Christian blogs & news and keep my K-love playing on my radio but some days it seem like just not enough. On my way in the door at work yesterday, I once again prayed for this revealing. I go to my office log in as usual and check email. The first email I had was from a professor who needed research help. So I answered his question and the automated generated email response from him,was a reference to the book of Psalms. YES, a college professor who is a believer and not ashamed to share and show it.

The email said, "Worried about the economy? Worried about the future? Read Psalm 49. May the Lord continue to bless you."

Now I know that some may read this and say well, what's two lines. For me, yesterday, it was a thousand words. This brought tears to my eyes and just reminded that he is real and if you give to him he will give to us. After all he has done for us as people, in my life and continues to do, we should always give HIM the glory!!!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas Play 2008

Here are pictures from our Christmas Play. BB played an Angel, Hope, and AB played Adam in scene 1&2 and Noah in scene 3.

Dad's Retirement

On December 23rd, the Post Office had my dad's retirement breakfast. The kids really enjoyed seeing where Poppy Jimmy sorts his mail at and finding out which mail slot was to our house. BB made an observation and asked why only "old" people work at the Post Office. Of course everyone got a kick out of that. Here are a few pictures from that morning.

Dad received a plaque for the years worked and the a plaque for the million mile club. He has driven a million miles since working at the post office.

This is his little mail office

Mom and Dad

Dad and the kids

Dad, me, and the kids