Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cub Scouts.....Can I please go.........

A brings home a paper last Friday about joining the cub scouts. Now note that both the kids play soccer, B is on a traveling team, A plays soccer and will be trying out for the traveling team next year, he plays basketball, baseball, and they both play indoor soccer in the winter. We did not allow B to join girl scouts because their meeting times interfere with soccer, however cub scouts does not interfere with any of A's practices. This is just great!!

So, all weekend he talks about being a cub scout. I am just thinking its a phase he will forget and then we can get out of committing to another thing. I know that is wrong, but come on, I never have a free moment, we go, go, go, and go some more.

On Tuesday, A gives me a piece of paper with the phone number for the dad that leads the cub scouts. I am thinking, What the crap!!! He says I got his number so you can call and talk to him about what all we will be doing. So this means he really wants to be a part of it. After some long talks Mike decides that he will go, because I just can't do anymore. Plus this is cub scouts he needs dad, not mom.
Last night he tells me how the guy said they were going to go camp out on the Legends baseball field, learn to shoot a bow & arrow (a real one, he added), and do a lot of cool and fun things.

The meeting was last night, when I asked A what he thought he said: it was so cool, he gets to camp out, shoot BB guns, bow & arrow, and race cars. He even said a pistol, I said now I know that is not true. He said, okay not a pistol but it would be cool if we!!

Basically Mike paid the fees so now we have cub scouts every Thursday nights, so the we now don't have a free night during the week at home, yeah!!! I guess that as the ol' saying goes, "I'll get enough sleep when I am dead" will apply to us for the next 15 years while we have little ones in the house. I do love it and it really is worth every minute of it!

1 comment:

Steve said...

I thought I was the only one.

I work Monday night, and my wife takes one kid to karate.

Tuesday is piano and dance for one, and my wife helps teach a karate class, and it's girl scouts every other, and then my wife has her own karate class.

Wed my wife works, and I try to learn about financial peace.

Thursday is when I wish we had Cub Scouts, but it's on Tuesday so no go. Daughter has dance.

Friday isn't usually bad, but we have 3 different parties, one of which includes a sleep-over.

I wonder why I never get anything done.