Thursday, September 25, 2008

Another Bee Sting

Yesterday when I get home A asks, "When you get a bee sting, will there be a scab?" I am like no because you were stung on you tongue (read the previous post). He says no I have a bee sting on my arm now. I am like what?!?!?!?
He proceeds to tell me how there were a bunch of bees at the top of the playground equipment at school and that he and four other little boys were up there trying to the keep the other kids from entering that part of the playground so they would not get stung. In the process he along with the other four boys get stung.

Two hours later, Austin walks to me at the computer and says see mom this is my bee sting and I see that it's dripping with blood. I was like, well, yeah there will be a scab. Please wash it and don't touch it anymore.

My son and these darn bees will not leave my son alone!

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