Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Monday Madness--actually all week madness!!

Yesterday was such a crazy day for me. After working all day I rushed to get the kids, then shuffled them off to swim lessons till 6, then rushed A to VBS. Luckily the soccer dad had to step in and take B to soccer practice till 7 (Soccer mom duties had to be taken away, becasue I had other duties, like teaching a VBS class). Let me just say I love teaching my Sunday school class of pre-k & kindergarteners, which is usually 7 students, but 12 students last night was a bit exhausting. How do these great school teachers do it every day? Maybe they have patience, I apparently was not blessed in that area like I thought.
Anyways, life will be like this all week for me. We have swim lessons for two weeks. VBS is only this week, so I will survive. I kinda dread it every year at first becasue I know how exhausting it will be, but the rewards are worth it every year. I am sure it will be great and the Lord will give me the strength to do it, he always does.
Other news: I am excited my first summer class is over, but on the other hand my second class has started. It is more time consuming than I thought it would be so that is a bummer. I know it will all be worth in the end. I just keep telling myself "I think I can, I think I can" ;-)
Gotta go - Signing off (like that don't ya)

1 comment:

Cindy J said...

This sounds just like my life, minus the soccer stuff. By the way, one of the girls wants to play this fall. We need to get together so I can ask what I am getting myself into. At least only one of them wants to do it. How do I get started, anyway? HELP!