Friday, November 30, 2007

#17 - Processing Words on the Web

First off I want to praise "Google Docs". I recently started using Google Docs this semester in my HEA 345 Drugs & Society class. Another student and I decided to work together in creating our study guides. This way we both were able to type up the questions and answers and share them with each other. By using google docs it saved me time and headaches.
As for the Google docs applications, I personally think it is very easy and user-friendly. I also like the fact that I don't have to have my flash drive with me all the time. I can just log in no matter where I am and type away. My life is all about convenience and time management and this is just another benefit for me.
I think that this application would be very good for professors to use in the classroom. A could see a professor posting their study guides this way. Then the students could look up the answers and post them so that each person is not individually looking up all the answers, but they all could participate and benefit from the results. Which means more time reading the necessary material in class and the chance to study for exams early.
I personally recommend Google Docs to any non-traditional student who is juggling the responsibilities of work, school and family!!!

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