Tuesday, November 27, 2007

#13 - Tagging, part 2

Exercise 1 - Folksonomy
Basically my conclusion on folksonomy is this is just tagging. I like the idea of being able to organize, but tagging is good, but to a to minimum. Some of the websites I have seen that allow tagging is just crazy. For example Librarything, I loaded my books into my account and started to look at what other people are reading and tagging about. I like tags that really relate to the topic, not just a tag like "fun" or "exiting". So overall tags are okay, but some people are having a bit too much fun when tagging!

Exercise 2 - Encore
I did a search at a library webpage that has the Encore software. My search was on HPV, most of the tags that were displayed made perfect since. However I was surprised to find that there was not a tag for teens, females, women, but there was a tag on men.

Exercise 3 - del.icio.us
I really didn't understand the concept del.icio.us until I watched the video explaining the benefits of it. At this point in my life I don't have a need to bookmark my favorite sites. I do think that if I was doing specific research on a topic that this could benefit me by allowing all the websites of my interest to be loaded into one site. Plus the ability to search and use the websites that other people are using about the same area of interest as myself.

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