Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Childhood & the 80's

I was on my facebook account earlier today and a friend posted on the funwall this video clip from youtube. I am proud to say that I did all these things and I was raised in the 80's. I look back at that time and think how much fun life was and it was really simple. I look at my kids though and sort of feel that they are missing out on this simple fun stuff. I admit my husband and I do watch old episodes of "Saved by the Bell" and "Fresh Prince" we do try to get the kids to watch it, but it obviously does not have the same effect on them as it did on us. Oh well, I just wonder when they look back at there childhood what it will it be and mean to them.

Watch the video and if you were an 80's child, you rock. Enjoy I sure did.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

LOL! Thanks for sharing Leah. Ah, tight rolling my acid washed jeans. Those were the days...